Class LuceneMetadataInfo

public class LuceneMetadataInfo extends IndexOperationResult
Metadata information about a lucene index, in response to LuceneGetMetadataInfo.
  • Constructor Details

    • LuceneMetadataInfo

      public LuceneMetadataInfo(@Nonnull List<> partitionInfo, @Nonnull Map<Integer,LuceneMetadataInfo.LuceneInfo> luceneInfo)
  • Method Details

    • getPartitionInfo

      public List<> getPartitionInfo()
      List of the metadata information for a given partition, most-recent will be first.
      the list of metadata information for all the partitions
    • getLuceneInfo

      public Map<Integer,LuceneMetadataInfo.LuceneInfo> getLuceneInfo()
      Map from partition id to information from lucene.
      the information from lucene for all partitions, or the one partition request if that was requested