fdb-record-layer-lucene API
Interface for Lucene Indexes
This lucene index implementation attempts to utilize FDB as a block file system to support the Lucene Directory Interface.
Support for
indexes and queries.Common classes for optimization of lucene's codec.
Common classes for lucene index queries.
Contains classes for analyzing stored and sorted fields.
Contains filter classes.
Highlighting of matched terms found in using record-layer lucene integration.
Common classes for lucene's ngram tokenizing.
Common classes for lucene's ngram tokenizing.
Common classes for handling bitsets.
Common classes for parallel execution of search.
Common classes for lucene's synonym tokenizing.
An optimized codec format for Lucene based indexes.
An Optimized Reader creation that allows SegmentReaders to be created in parallel.
Search optimizations mostly around pre-caching calls to make concurrent database access.