Class LuceneGetMetadataInfo


@API(INTERNAL) public class LuceneGetMetadataInfo extends IndexOperation
Get metadata information about a given lucene index.

This is currently intended to be used for debugging purposes.

  • Constructor Details

    • LuceneGetMetadataInfo

      public LuceneGetMetadataInfo(@Nonnull Tuple groupingKey, @Nullable Integer partitionId, boolean justPartitionInfo)
      Create a new operation to get metadata about the lucene index.

      The parameters can be used to limit the scope of information gathered so that it can fit in a single transaction.

      groupingKey - the grouping key, or an empty Tuple if this index is not grouped
      partitionId - if null, this will return information for all partitions, otherwise just the given partition
      justPartitionInfo - if true then only the partition info will be fetched, otherwise information from lucene itself will be fetched
  • Method Details

    • getGroupingKey

      @Nonnull public Tuple getGroupingKey()
      The grouping key to inspect.
      the grouping key or an empty Tuple if this index is not grouped
    • getPartitionId

      @Nullable public Integer getPartitionId()
      The partition id to inpsect.
      the partition id to inspect or null to inspect all partitions.
    • isJustPartitionInfo

      public boolean isJustPartitionInfo()
      Just fetch the partition info, and not the information for each partition.
      if true only the partition info will be fetched, otherwise it will fetch the information for the lucene indexes
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object