Interface LuceneIndexExpressions.DocumentDestination<T extends LuceneIndexExpressions.RecordSource<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the actual type of the source
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface LuceneIndexExpressions.DocumentDestination<T extends LuceneIndexExpressions.RecordSource<T>>
An actual document / document meta-data.
  • Method Details

    • addField

      void addField(@Nonnull T source, @Nonnull String fieldName, @Nullable Object value, @Nonnull LuceneIndexExpressions.DocumentFieldType type, boolean fieldNameOverride, @Nullable List<String> namedFieldPath, @Nullable String namedFieldSuffix, boolean stored, boolean sorted, @Nonnull List<Integer> overriddenKeyRanges, int groupingKeyIndex, int keyIndex, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> fieldConfigs)
      Add fields to the destination of the "getFields" traversal.
      source - the RecordSource for the field to be added
      fieldName - the (full) field name
      value - the last element of the field name
      type - the type of the field
      fieldNameOverride - whether we are overriding field names (map support)
      namedFieldPath - the relative path to the field (from the source)
      namedFieldSuffix - the replaced suffix for the field (the map-replaced part)
      stored - whether the field has stored data
      sorted - whether the field has sorted data
      overriddenKeyRanges - -
      groupingKeyIndex - -
      keyIndex - -
      fieldConfigs - -