Class LuceneIndexOptions


@API(EXPERIMENTAL) public class LuceneIndexOptions extends Object
Options for use with Lucene indexes.
  • Field Details


      public static final String DELIMITER_BETWEEN_KEY_AND_VALUE
      The delimiter by which the key and value of one key-value pair within the option's value is split.
      See Also:

      public static final String DELIMITER_BETWEEN_ELEMENTS
      The delimiter by which the elements are split if the option's value has multiple elements or key-value pairs.
      See Also:

      public static final String NGRAM_TOKEN_EDGES_ONLY
      Whether a Lucene's EdgeNGramTokenFilter or a regular NGramTokenFilter to use for the ngram analyzer.
      See Also:

      public static final String LUCENE_ANALYZER_NAME_OPTION
      The name of the Lucene analyzer to use for full-text search.
      See Also:

      public static final String LUCENE_ANALYZER_NAME_PER_FIELD_OPTION
      The override mapping from fields to Lucene analyzers, if they want to use different analyzer than the default one. The format of the value should be "fieldName1:analyzerName1,fieldName2:analyzerName2...", with key-value pairs split by "," and each key and value split by ":".
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTO_COMPLETE_ANALYZER_NAME_OPTION
      The name of the Lucene analyzer to use for auto-complete query.
      See Also:

      The override mapping from fields to Lucene analyzers for auto-complete query, if they want to use different analyzers than the default one. The format of the value should be "fieldName1:analyzerName1,fieldName2:analyzerName2...", with key-value pairs split by "," and each key and value split by ":".
      See Also:

      public static final String TEXT_SYNONYM_SET_NAME_OPTION
      The name of the synonym set to use in Lucene.
      See Also:

      public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT
      See Also:

      public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_SEGMENT_INDEX_ENABLED
      Whether a separate B-tree index gives a direct mapping of live documents to segment by record primary key. Boolean string (true or false).
      See Also:

      public static final String OPTIMIZED_STORED_FIELDS_FORMAT_ENABLED
      Whether to use the StoredFields format that stores data in K/V (TRUE) pairs or in the standard Lucene file (FALSE).
      See Also:

      public static final String INDEX_PARTITION_BY_FIELD_NAME
      Option to designate a record field as the timestamp by which the corresponding document would be partitioned in Lucene.
      See Also:

      public static final String INDEX_PARTITION_HIGH_WATERMARK
      Option to set high watermark size for a lucene partition, beyond which the partition would be split, or a new partition would be created.
      See Also:

      public static final String INDEX_PARTITION_LOW_WATERMARK
      Option to set low watermark size for a lucene partition, below which the partition would be a candidate for merge with another adjacent partition.
      See Also:

      public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_SEGMENT_INDEX_V2_ENABLED
      Whether a separate B-tree index gives a direct mapping of live documents to segment by record primary key, that utilizes an optimized stored fields to manage merges.

      Boolean string (true or false).

      This is incompatible with PRIMARY_KEY_SEGMENT_INDEX_ENABLED, and thus only one can be enabled on an index. This implies OPTIMIZED_STORED_FIELDS_FORMAT_ENABLED, and thus OPTIMIZED_STORED_FIELDS_FORMAT_ENABLED cannot be set (to true or false) if this is enabled.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • parseKeyValuePairOptionValue

      public static Map<String,String> parseKeyValuePairOptionValue(@Nonnull String optionValue)
      Parse an option's value to a key-value map.
      optionValue - the raw string for option's value
      the map
    • parseMultipleElementsOptionValue

      public static Set<String> parseMultipleElementsOptionValue(@Nonnull String optionValue)
      Parse an option's value to a set of strings.
      optionValue - the raw string for option's value
    • validateKeyValuePairOptionValue

      public static void validateKeyValuePairOptionValue(@Nonnull String optionValue, @Nonnull RecordCoreException exceptionToThrow)
      Validate the raw string for an option's value has valid format for a key-value map.
      optionValue - the raw string for option's value
      exceptionToThrow - the exception to throw if it is invalid
    • validateMultipleElementsOptionValue

      public static void validateMultipleElementsOptionValue(@Nonnull String optionValue, @Nonnull RecordCoreException exceptionToThrow)
      Validate the raw string for an option's value has valid format for multiple-elements.
      optionValue - the raw string for option's value
      exceptionToThrow - the exception to throw if it is invalid