Class BunchedMapException

All Implemented Interfaces:
LoggableKeysAndValues<LoggableException>, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

@API(EXPERIMENTAL) public class BunchedMapException extends LoggableException
Exception class that can be thrown by a BunchedMap. Exceptions of this class might be thrown if some internal invariant of the BunchedMap class has been broken (similar to an assertion error). Errors from serializing or deserializing keys and values should throw a BunchedSerializationException, which is a subclass of this exception, rather than instances of the base exception.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BunchedMapException

      public BunchedMapException(@Nonnull String message)
      Create a new exception with a static message.
      message - error message
    • BunchedMapException

      public BunchedMapException(@Nonnull String message, @Nonnull Throwable cause)
      Create a new exception with a static message and cause.
      message - error message
      cause - cause
  • Method Details

    • addLogInfo

      @Nonnull public BunchedMapException addLogInfo(@Nonnull String description, Object object)
      Description copied from class: LoggableException
      Add a key/value pair to the log information. This will use the description given as the key and the object provided as the value.
      Specified by:
      addLogInfo in interface LoggableKeysAndValues<LoggableException>
      addLogInfo in class LoggableException
      description - description of the log info pair
      object - value of the log info pair
      this LoggableException
    • addLogInfo

      @Nonnull public BunchedMapException addLogInfo(@Nonnull Object... keyValue)
      Description copied from class: LoggableException
      Add a list of key/value pairs to the log information. This will treat the list of items as pairs to be added with every even element being a key and every odd element being a value (associated with the even key preceding it). So, for example, ["k0", "v0", "k1", "v1"] will add two pairs to the log info, one with key "k0" and value "v0" and one with key "k1" and value "v1". Note that this is the same format that is exported by LoggableException.exportLogInfo().
      Specified by:
      addLogInfo in interface LoggableKeysAndValues<LoggableException>
      addLogInfo in class LoggableException
      keyValue - flattened map of key-value pairs
      this LoggableException