All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractChangeSet<S extends NodeSlot,N extends<S,N>>
Abstract base implementations for all Node.ChangeSets.
An AsyncPeekCallbackIterator is an extension of the AsyncPeekIterator interface that can be given a callback to call after each time it advances.
A AsyncPeekIterator is an extension of the AsyncIterator interface that adds peek semantics, i.e., viewing the next element of the iterator without advancing it forward.
An implementation of a FoundationDB-backed map that bunches close keys together to minimize the overhead of storing keys with a common prefix.
Exception class that can be thrown by a BunchedMap.
An iterator implementation that will iterate over the keys of a BunchedMap.
An iterator that will return BunchedMapScanEntry objects while scanning over multiple BunchedMaps.
Struct containing the results of scanning one or more BunchedMaps using the scanMulti() function.
Exception that can be thrown from a BunchedSerializer while serializing or deserializing an element.
A class to serialize and deserialize entries of a BunchedMap.
A BunchedSerializer that uses Tuples as both the expected key and value type.
Helper methods in the spirit of ByteArrayUtil.
A child slot that is used by IntermediateNodes.
Count tuple-encoded keys into TupleKeyCountTree.
Parse client latency events from system keyspace.
A callback with the current transaction.
Parse client latency events from system keyspace.
Asynchronous callback.
Information about a commit, successful or not, in an event.
Base class for parsed events.
A commit latency event.
A failing commit event.
Event callback.
A single key get latency event.
A failing single key get event.
A range get latency event.
A failing range get event.
A GRV latency event.
A single mutation in a FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest.
FDB error codes (from and handy methods to interpret them.
An item slot that is used by LeafNodes.
Exception type with support for adding keys and values to its log info.
Associates loggable information with an object as a map.
Provides a default implementation of LoggableKeysAndValues.
Common LoggableException keys logged by the FoundationDB extensions library.
More helpers in the spirit of AsyncUtil.
A Boolean function that is always true.
Exception that will be thrown when the supplier in MoreAsyncUtil.getWithDeadline(long, Supplier, ScheduledExecutorService) fails to complete within the specified deadline time.
A holder for a (mutable) value.
Interface to capture the common aspects of nodes being either LeafNodes or IntermediateNodes.
A change set for slots.
Some helper methods for Nodes.
Enum to capture the kind of node.
Abstract base class for all node slots.
Function interface for a call back whenever we read the slots for a node.
Function interface for a call back whenever we read the slots for a node.
RangeSet supports efficient adding of ranges of keys into the database to support marking work done elsewhere as completed as well as checking if specific keys are already completed.
RankedSet supports the efficient retrieval of elements by their rank as defined by lexicographic order.
Configuration settings for a RankedSet.
Builder for RankedSet.Config.
Function to compute the hash used to determine which levels a key value splits on.
An implementation of an R-tree.
Configuration settings for a RTree.
Builder for RTree.Config.
Iterator for iterating the items contained in the leaf nodes produced by an underlying RTree.LeafIterator.
Class to capture an N-dimensional point.
Class to capture an N-dimensional rectangle/cube/hypercube.
Different kinds of storage layouts.
Utility class to compute the Hilbert value from n-dimensional points.
Utility methods for operating with Strings.
An interface to split a raw FoundationDB key into a subspace and (possibly) a "tag".
A SynchronizedSession is a concept introduced to avoid multiple attempts at performing the same operation (with each attempt opening multiple transactions running concurrently and/or consecutively) from running concurrently and contending for resources.
This exception means that the synchronized session is not valid anymore, probably because another synchronized session on the same lock is running.
Keys living in the FDB system and special keyspace.
An executor that can perform pre- and post- work in the context of the thread executing a task.
Helper methods for working with Tuples.
A tree of occurrence counts tuple-encoded keys.
Helper methods for encoding Tuples in ways that implement SQL-like ordering.
Direction of ordering.
Map from wall-clock time to transaction time.