Interface CompiledStatementOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
MessageLiteOrBuilder, MessageOrBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompiledStatement, CompiledStatement.Builder

public interface CompiledStatementOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  • Method Details

    • hasPlanSerializationMode

      boolean hasPlanSerializationMode()
       same as plan hash mode for the time being
      optional string plan_serialization_mode = 1;
      Whether the planSerializationMode field is set.
    • getPlanSerializationMode

      String getPlanSerializationMode()
       same as plan hash mode for the time being
      optional string plan_serialization_mode = 1;
      The planSerializationMode.
    • getPlanSerializationModeBytes

      ByteString getPlanSerializationModeBytes()
       same as plan hash mode for the time being
      optional string plan_serialization_mode = 1;
      The bytes for planSerializationMode.
    • hasPlan

      boolean hasPlan()
       the serialized plan
      optional plan = 2;
      Whether the plan field is set.
    • getPlan getPlan()
       the serialized plan
      optional plan = 2;
      The plan.
    • getPlanOrBuilder getPlanOrBuilder()
       the serialized plan
      optional plan = 2;
    • getExtractedLiteralsList

      List<TypedQueryArgument> getExtractedLiteralsList()
       extracted literals
      repeated extracted_literals = 3;
    • getExtractedLiterals

      TypedQueryArgument getExtractedLiterals(int index)
       extracted literals
      repeated extracted_literals = 3;
    • getExtractedLiteralsCount

      int getExtractedLiteralsCount()
       extracted literals
      repeated extracted_literals = 3;
    • getExtractedLiteralsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends TypedQueryArgumentOrBuilder> getExtractedLiteralsOrBuilderList()
       extracted literals
      repeated extracted_literals = 3;
    • getExtractedLiteralsOrBuilder

      TypedQueryArgumentOrBuilder getExtractedLiteralsOrBuilder(int index)
       extracted literals
      repeated extracted_literals = 3;
    • getArgumentsList

      List<TypedQueryArgument> getArgumentsList()
       query arguments - depending on context, the actual arguments may not be known, thus only type and inline
       information is known and can be used.
      repeated arguments = 4;
    • getArguments

      TypedQueryArgument getArguments(int index)
       query arguments - depending on context, the actual arguments may not be known, thus only type and inline
       information is known and can be used.
      repeated arguments = 4;
    • getArgumentsCount

      int getArgumentsCount()
       query arguments - depending on context, the actual arguments may not be known, thus only type and inline
       information is known and can be used.
      repeated arguments = 4;
    • getArgumentsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends TypedQueryArgumentOrBuilder> getArgumentsOrBuilderList()
       query arguments - depending on context, the actual arguments may not be known, thus only type and inline
       information is known and can be used.
      repeated arguments = 4;
    • getArgumentsOrBuilder

      TypedQueryArgumentOrBuilder getArgumentsOrBuilder(int index)
       query arguments - depending on context, the actual arguments may not be known, thus only type and inline
       information is known and can be used.
      repeated arguments = 4;
    • hasPlanConstraint

      boolean hasPlanConstraint()
       query plan constraints
      optional plan_constraint = 5;
      Whether the planConstraint field is set.
    • getPlanConstraint getPlanConstraint()
       query plan constraints
      optional plan_constraint = 5;
      The planConstraint.
    • getPlanConstraintOrBuilder getPlanConstraintOrBuilder()
       query plan constraints
      optional plan_constraint = 5;