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Package Summary
The Relational Client API.
Interfaces and core API functions around implementing a Catalog instance.
Objects relating to DDL operations within Relational.
Encompasses all exceptions that could be thrown from Relational.
Keeper of Metrics stuff for Relational.
A RecordLayer-based implementation of the relational API.
A RecordLayer-based implementation of the catalog.
This package is aimed to hold all the structures needed to represent system tables and system views in Relational.
A RecordLayer-based implementation of DDL logic such as creating and dropping a schema.
Metadata artefacts in Relational backed by Record Layer APIs.
Serialization and Deserialization APIs for Relational metadata.
Metric artefacts in Relational backed by Record Layer APIs.
A RecordLayer-based implementation of a Relational query.
This package contains logic related to plan caching.
This package contains logic related to resolving builtin and user defined SQL functions.
This package contains all plan generation visitors.
Classes for interfacing with database storage through Record Layer interfaces.
Implementation of structured query expression API.
Implementation of structured query statement API.
Contains a set of utility methods.
A collection of testing systems which are based on comparing results to equivalent queries in an embedded
SQL database.
Utility methods to use in Relational implementation classes.