All Classes and Interfaces

A X / Y coordinate value expressed as a constant value or the name of a parameter.
Spatial objects for boxes with possible wraparound.
The index maintainer class for (geo-)spatial indexes.
A factory for GeophileIndexMaintainer indexes.
Index types for (geo-)spatial indexes.
Query spatial index for points (latitude, longitude) within a given distance (inclusive) of a given center.
Scan types for (geo-)spatial indexes.
Spatial function key expressions.
A serialized JTS geometry in GeoJson text format.
A geospatial point.
A serialized JTS geometry in WKB binary format.
A serialized JTS geometry in WKT text format.
Implemention of (geo-)spatial index key functions.
Key function names for Geophile indexes.
Something like a query plan for joining spatial indexes.
Base class for query plans that execute a spatial join between a single spatial object and a spatial index.
Query filter for points (latitude, longitude) within a given distance of a given center.