Class KeyRange


@API(UNSTABLE) public class KeyRange extends Object
A range within a subspace specified by two byte value endpoints.
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyRange

      public KeyRange(@Nonnull byte[] lowKey, @Nonnull EndpointType lowEndpoint, @Nonnull byte[] highKey, @Nonnull EndpointType highEndpoint)
      Creates a key range.
      lowKey - the starting key in the range. Note that a direct reference to this key is retained, so care must be taken not to modify its contents
      lowEndpoint - how the low endpoint is to be treated
      highKey - the ending key in the range. Note that a direct reference to this key is retained, so care must be taken not to modify its contents
      highEndpoint - how the high endpoint is to be treated
    • KeyRange

      public KeyRange(@Nonnull byte[] lowKey, @Nonnull byte[] highKey)
      Creates a key range.
      lowKey - the starting key of the range, inclusive
      highKey - the ending key of the range, exclusive
  • Method Details

    • getLowKey

      @Nonnull public byte[] getLowKey()
      Returns the lower boundary of the range to be scanned. How this starting key is to be interpreted in relation to a scan (e.g., inclusive or exclusive) is determined by the low endpoint value (getLowEndpoint(). The value returned by this method should be treated as immutable and must not be modified by the caller.
      the low key of the range to be scanned
    • getLowEndpoint

      @Nonnull public EndpointType getLowEndpoint()
      How the lower boundary key of the range is to be interpreted by the scan. For example, this can be inclusive or exclusive.
      how the lower boundary key of the range is to be interpreted by the scan
      See Also:
    • getHighKey

      @Nonnull public byte[] getHighKey()
      Returns the upper boundary of the range to be scanned. How this key is to be interpreted in relation to a scan (e.g., inclusive or exclusive) is determined by the high endpoint value (getHighEndpoint(). The value returned by this method should be treated as immutable and must not be modified by the caller.
      the high key of the range to be scanned
    • getHighEndpoint

      @Nonnull public EndpointType getHighEndpoint()
      How the upper boundary key of the range is to be interpreted by the scan. For example, this can be inclusive or exclusive.
      how the upper boundary key of the range is to be interpreted by the scan
      See Also: