
The configuration file

The fdbdoc server process is run and monitored on each server by the fdbdocmonitor daemon. fdbdocmonitor and fdbdoc itself are controlled by the document.conf file located at

  • /etc/foundationdb/document/document.conf on Linux
  • /usr/local/etc/foundationdb/document/document.conf on macOS

The document.conf file contains several sections, detailed below. Note that the presence of individual [fdbdoc.<ID>] sections actually causes fdbdoc processes to be run.

Whenever the document.conf file is modified, the fdbdocmonitor daemon automatically detects the changes and starts, stops, or restarts child processes as necessary.

Do not attempt to stop FoundationDB services by removing the configuration file. Removing the file will not stop the services; it will merely remove your ability to control them in the manner supported by FoundationDB. During normal operation, services can be stopped by commenting out or removing the relevant sections of the configuration file. You can also disable a service at the operating system level or by removing the software.

[fdbmonitor] section

## document.conf 
## Configuration file for FoundationDB Document Layer server processes 
## Full documentation is available in the FoundationDB Document Layer Configuration document.

user = foundationdb
group = foundationdb

Contains basic configuration parameters of the fdbdocmonitor process. user and group are used on Linux systems to control the privilege level of child processes.

[general] section

restart_delay = 60
cluster_file = /etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster

Contains settings applicable to all processes.

  • restart_delay: Specifies the number of seconds that fdbdocmonitor waits before restarting a failed process.
  • cluster_file: Specifies the location of the cluster file. This file and the directory that contains it must be writable by all processes (i.e. by the user or group set in the [fdbmonitor] section). Further details on specifying the cluster file are given in the Administration document for the Key-Value Store.

[fdbdoc] section

## Default parameters for individual fdbdoc processes
command = /usr/sbin/fdbdoc
listen_address =$ID
logdir = /var/log/foundationdb/document
# root-directory = document
# logsize = 10Mib
# maxlogssize = 100MiB
# implicit-transaction-max-retries = 3
# implicit-transaction-timeout = 7000
# pipeline = aggressive
# slow-query-log = all

Contains default parameters for all fdbdoc processes on this machine. These same options can be overridden for individual processes in their respective [fdbdoc.<ID>] sections. In this section, the ID of the individual fdbserver can be substituted by using the $ID variable in the value. For example, listen_address =$ID makes each fdbdoc listen on a port equal to its ID.

  -l ADDRESS Listen address, specified as `[IP_ADDRESS:]PORT' (defaults
             The path of a file containing the connection string for the
             FoundationDB cluster. The default is first the value of the
             FDB_CLUSTER_FILE environment variable, then `./fdb.cluster',
             then `/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.
  -d NAME    Name of the directory (managed by the Directory Layer) in the
             Key-Value Store which the Document Layer will use to store all
             of its state.
  -L PATH    Store log files in the given folder (default is `.').
  --loggroup LOGGROUP
             Log Group to be used for logs (default is `default').
  -Rs SIZE   Roll over to a new log file after the current log file
             exceeds SIZE bytes. The default value is 10MiB.
  --maxlogssize SIZE
             Delete the oldest log file when the total size of all log
             files exceeds SIZE bytes. If set to 0, old log files will not
             be deleted. The default value is 100MiB.
  --pipeline OPTION
             Set to `compat' to enable pipelining compatibility mode. This
             mode is both slower and more difficult to use correctly than
             the default. It should only be turned on for compatibility purposes.
  --implicit-transaction-max-retries NUMBER
             Set the maximum number of times that transactions will be retried.
             Defaults to 3. If set to -1, will disable the retry limit.
  --implicit-transaction-timeout NUMBER
             Set a timeout in milliseconds for transactions. Defaults to 7000.
             If set to 0, will disable all timeouts.
  --metric_plugin PATH
             The path of the metric plugin dynamic library to load during runtime.
  --metric_plugin_config PATH
             The path to the configuration file of the plugin.
  --tls_certificate_file CERTFILE
             The path of a file containing the TLS certificate and CA
  --tls_ca_file CERTAUTHFILE
             The path of a file containing the CA certificates chain.
  --tls_key_file KEYFILE
             The path of a file containing the private key corresponding
             to the TLS certificate.
  --tls_password PASSCODE
             The passphrase of encrypted private key
  --tls_verify_peers CONSTRAINTS
             The constraints by which to validate TLS peers. The contents
             and format of CONSTRAINTS are plugin-specific.

  -V         Enable verbose logging.
  -h         Display this help message and exit.
  -v         Print version information and exit.

SIZE parameters may use one of the multiplicative suffixes B=1, KB=10^3,
KiB=2^10, MB=10^6, MiB=2^20, GB=10^9, GiB=2^30, TB=10^12, or TiB=2^40.

[fdbdoc.<ID>] section(s)

## An individual fdbdoc process with id 27016
## Parameters set here override defaults from the [fdbdoc] section

Each section of this type represents a fdbdoc process that will be run. IDs cannot be repeated. Frequently, an administrator will choose to run one fdbdoc per CPU core. Parameters set in this section apply to only a single fdbdoc process, and overwrite the defaults set in the [fdbdoc] section. Note that by default, the ID specified in this section is also used as the network port.

Enable TLS

Document Layer uses the same TLS library as the FoundationDB project. To enable TLS, simply do following:

  • Add :tls to the end of the local listen address. This is telling the program to only accept TLS connections
  • Configure necessary TLS options. They are parameters whose name starts with tls_.

For more details regarding to the TLS library we used, including the details regarding to the parameters, please see the TLS Docs.